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Public: Headforum Board: Kicks & Bans / Appeal Thread: Ketamin kick lol
Ketamin kick lol Site: « 1 »
#1 at 21.05.2021 on 23:08h Quote this entry
posts: 2
This ketamin guy just out of jealousy cause someone in his server became better than him kicked me for using once (far from battle) 180 script. For those who don't know what this is and probably think it's a script that can help me kill easily or something...let me inform you that it's just a way to turn 180 degrees if your sensitivity is low and needs a big mousepad to make easliy an 180 turn. He didn't kick me for using sniper script that many use in this server and should never be allowed (since it alters signifiaclly the game by elliminating the main drawback a covert has), but kicked me for 180 script.
He is so pathetic, that when he entered the server he immediately speced me just to see if I would use this script and kick me.
Ketamin, instead of abusing admin powers just become better. You can't ban all your enemies in order to stay at top.
Btw if you ban someone you must have a rule that supports it. Where is that rule saying that 180 script is not allowerd. It's not cheating unless you are so ignorant to believe so. If it's cheating then why do you allow sniper script that is the definition of cheating in that sense. I demonstrated to you last time that i can kill as many enemies with or without 180 script so it's not an advantage for me. I can use higher sensitivity and play exactly the same. But I don't like biased admins imposing their OWN rules to affect other players' way of playing, if such rules don't exist. I guess aimex (to whom btw I sent a message 2 days ago asking for his opinion about this issue) should clear this out. It's either allow or forbid ALL scripts.
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#2 at 22.05.2021 on 10:18h Quote this entry
Leader (Head Admin)
posts: 602
Any of this scripts are not allowed. No matter if sniper script or 180 degree script.
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#3 at 22.05.2021 on 18:52h Quote this entry
posts: 2
So start banning some of your admins cause they use it and the last time I asked them they confirmed it is allowed. If you want to have rules that everybody will follow you need to write them down in a place everyone can see them. Otherwise they just don't exist.
Also ask your admins to use their brainbefore they punish someone with kick or ban. When I used 180 script I was inside our spawn without any enemy near, but ketamin was determined to find a reason to ban me. I wouldn't say this is a warm welcome to new good players in your servers. Unless you are satisfied with those 30-40 players that play everyday and want to be first among them just to satisfy your ego. Your job as a leader of this server should be to keep your admins into order, because unfair admins are the only reason for someone to leave a server. Ketamin looks like he is incapable to be fair.
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#4 at 23.05.2021 on 07:22h Quote this entry
Leader (Head Admin)
posts: 602
Dont ask if you dont want to get an answer.

Closed here.
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